Harry Dickerson

Harry Dickerson

I was released from prison after eight and a half years, but it’s not how you start out at the gate, it’s how you finish. I remember there were times I would be on the train and I’d be so embarrassed because I was dirty. And I would look like I had been there the last 5 days and you know people are working and they're fresh and clean and everything. And I used to just look for a hole to crawl into.

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Yaraliz González

Yaraliz González

I used drugs for a lot of years.  I started using at fifteen.  I came from Puerto Rico for a new life.  I didn’t know how to speak English.  The first word I learned is “dope.”  I have a friend – she studied Culinary Arts at Project Renewal.  She talked to me about this school and I told her, “I want to go.”  I said, “I want to cook. I want to be a chef.” 

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Darryl Chestnut

Darryl Chestnut

My girlfriend got pregnant after we got out of high school. She was about 19. I wound up getting a job, and I wound up hustling, selling dope, stuff like that. I got married at 22, I had two kids then. At 29, my wife died in a car accident. We had four kids. I was really close to her and I really missed her. I started drinking alcohol heavily every day. Still smoked marijuana, then I was smoking crack. I stopped paying my bills and lost my job.

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Patrick Lee

Patrick Lee

I grew up in Washington DC, and at a very young age I experimented with drugs.  I come from a very big family, nine brothers and two sisters, but I just didn’t fit in, even with my own family, and I felt so uncomfortable with people.  I had very low self esteem.  So I started experimenting with drugs really early and it gave me a mask, if you will, and I could do things like other people.  It worked for a while.  I never finished school.  I went all the way to the eleventh grade. As long as I had the street smarts I could survive, you know, which was a bad mistake because the deeper I got into drugs the harder it was for me to do anything else.  

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