Ana’s Place is a 108 bed shelter for adults identifying as men who have been diagnosed with mental illness and MICA disorders. Case management provides stabilizing services, ranging from counseling and recreation, to helping clients find permanent housing when they are ready to live independently. An on-site medical clinic is currently being constructed, which will provide all clients with convenient access to much needed medical services.
Ana's Place at a Glance
Bronx, NY
Beds: 108
Serves: Adults identifying as men
with mental illness diagnoses and/or substance use histories
Program Focus: Homes, Health, Community Clinic
Offers: Emergency Shelter, Mental Health Care, Occupational Therapy, Primary Care
In Loving Memory of Ana Charle
Ana’s Place is named after former Project Renewal staff member Ana Charle. Ana was a dedicated and loving person, a mentor and leader for her staff, a fierce advocate for New Yorkers experiencing homelessness, and an incredible friend and mother. The shelter was renamed in 2015 in her memory.