Kenton Hall Men’s Shelter is a 108 bed behavioral health shelter for those identifying as men. In addition to on-site rehabilitation services, Project Renewal’s comprehensive services for residents include case management, individual and group counseling, psychiatry, primary care nursing, recreational activities, and housing placement assistance.
Kenton Hall at a Glance
New York, NY
Beds: 108
Serves: Adults identifying as men
with mental illness diagnoses and/or substance use histories
Program Focus: Homes, Health
Offers: Emergency Shelter, Mental Health Care,
Occupational Therapy, Primary Care Nursing
A Rich History
Kenton Hall and Third Street Men’s Shelter are around the corner from each other in The Bowery, together sharing services and facilities to best support Project Renewal clients. Being part of The Bowery has been intrinsic to Project Renewal’s history of innovation since we began as a detox clinic in 1967.